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Like food safety being a major concern, food waste is also concern. The main sources of food waste in the food industry is at the production end. Within the food industry, waste occurs at every step — on the farm and with packers, processors, distributors, and retailers. Some of it is the result of economic forces, some of management problems, and some is caused simply by dumping products that are less than perfect in appearance. Several agencies are cooperatively working with food industry entities to identify ways of reducing food......

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The best food businesses have set practices to ensure quality at all stages of service, from preparation and mise en place, to the final plating of a delicious meal for the customer. Ticking off a food hygiene checklist should undoubtedly be one of these practices. Proper food safety precaution is vital to the contentment and peace of mind of yourself, your customers and your local Environmental Health Officer.

There is no blanket approach to food preparation safety in the fine details; all food workplaces are subtly different. However,......

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Food preparation businesses in the hospitality sector include hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars, sandwich shops and similar businesses that prepare food for customers to eat on premises or for takeaway including those premises indirectly involved in food preparation and service. A key requirement for these businesses is to show that food handling and preparation processes are safe and to keep documentation to show this.

Good food hygiene ensures that food prepared for customers is safe to eat. It prevents harmful microorganisms......

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While the benefits of online learning and teaching are mostly related to maximizing the time and resources, along with it, a few other perks won me over to this remote-education approach.

Minimum time lost in commuting
With almost zero minutes spent commuting, you are saving a good chunk of your time and most importantly your energy is spent on something productive.
Personalised and comfortable learning environment
You get to stay in a familiar environment, you can adjust your setting for your ease.
Flexible learning hours
You don’t necessarily......

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The following is a list of food safety skills that employees should be able to demonstrate at Level 2:

1. Demonstrate the food safety skills required at Induction Level Stage I and II.

2. Outline the requirements necessary for bacterial growth.

3. Use time-temperature controls to prevent and control bacterial growth.

4. Describe foodborne illness and the factors which contribute to incidences of it.

Food Safety Level 3 training is for managers and supervisors in a food business operation. Food business operator must ensure that all food workers are trained appropriately to commensurate with the tasks they carry out in a food business.

Below are various skills that must be demonstrated prior to Level3 Food Safety training and skills that should be achieved after training.

Skills Required Prior to Management Training

(1) Food safety......

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  • Food law in Ireland dates back to the early 1800’s and has been continually augmented and amended over the years. Today, most if not all of our national food legislation derives from Ireland’s membership of the European Union. The negotiation of these laws and the responsibility to give legal effect to the decisions, directives and regulations agreed in Brussels rests with several Government Departments. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland is the single, regulatory authority with responsibility for the enforcement of food safety legislation in Ireland. This responsibility for enforcement......

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Why Food Safety  Training and HACCP Training??

Food Safety Training is essential to raising awareness about food borne diseases and how deadly pathogen spreads. In other words food safety training reduces the risk of an impending food poisoning and risk to public health. Food establishments are responsible for keeping and handling food safe for their customers and food handler safety is of paramount importance to food businesses of any size which handle food or any business which is a part of wider food chain. Food handler safety does not only affect the sales and continued patronage of an establishment, but also public......

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Level 1 Food Safety Training? Here’s what you need to know.

If you have a food business, or work in the food industry, you are legally required to undertake food safety training and/or be supervised in line with the level of activity you are involved in. So, for example, managers will need different training to those serving food. If you are responsible for the development and maintenance of your business's HACCP system then you must undertake adequate training in the application of HACCP principles It is a legal requirement that staff involved in a food environment are trained and/or supervised commensurate with their work activity. The responsibility for the supervision and......

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