Guide to Food Safety Training at Level 3
Food Safety Level 3 training is for managers and supervisors in a food business operation. Food business operator must ensure that all food workers are trained appropriately to commensurate with the tasks they carry out in a food business.
Below are various skills that must be demonstrated prior to Level3 Food Safety training and skills that should be achieved after training.
Skills Required Prior to Management Training
(1) Food safety skills from the FSAI’s ‘Guide to Food Safety Training Level 1: Induction Skills
and Level 2: Additional Skills’
(2) Demonstrate commitment to good food hygiene practice.
Microbiological Hazards
(3) Identify and risk assess the microbiological hazards associated with your food operation.
(4) Control the microbiological hazards associated with your food operation.
Chemical Hazards
(5) Identify and risk assess the chemical hazards associated with your food operation.
(6) Control the possible sources of chemical hazards in your food operation or during food
Physical Hazards
(7) Identify and risk assess the possible sources of physical contamination in your food
(8) Control the possible sources of physical contamination in your food operation.
Allergen Management
(9) Identify and risk assess the possible sources of food allergens as potential hazards and
identify appropriate control measures in your food operation.
(10) Ensure the customer is aware of the presence of food allergens in accordance with
relevant legislation.
Personal Hygiene
(11) Ensure your staff implement good personal hygiene practices.
(12) Ensure food workers suffering from foodborne illness do not work in contact with open
(13) Manage and maintain a procedure for the control of contractors and visitors.
Structural Hygiene
(14) Manage the design, layout, construction and maintenance of the food premises and
equipment to ensure food safety.
Operational Hygiene
(15) Manage and maintain a potable water/ice supply.
(16) Manage and maintain an effective pest control system.
(17) Manage and maintain an effective waste disposal system.
(18) Manage and maintain an effective cleaning programme.
(19) Ensure food safety through supplier control.
Ensure food safety during:
(20) Delivery receipt/intake
(21) Storage
(22) Food preparation
(23) Cooking/thermal processing/processing/cooling/holding/service/sale of food
(24) Ensure good hygiene practice during the transportation of food.
(25) Ensure correct food information/labelling is provided.
Food Safety Management
(26) Demonstrate an awareness of the legislative requirements relating to your food business.
(27) Ensure the appropriate option for the requirement for procedures based on the principles
of HACCP has been determined.
(28) Design procedures based on HACCP principles.
(29) Implement and review procedures based on HACCP principles.
(30) Manage and maintain the traceability system within your area of the food operation.
(31) Design and implement your procedure for the withdrawal/recall of unsafe food.
(32) Recognise the significance of product threats/tampering for the consumer.
(33) Manage/review food safety complaints effectively.
(34) Verify food safety through testing, where appropriate.
(35) Where applicable, conduct internal audits.
(36) Provide assistance to internal and external auditors.
(37) Provide assistance to enforcement officers.
(38) Follow up on non-compliances with corrective action.
(39) Manage and maintain food safety documentation and records.
Staff Training and Management
(40) Ensure the food safety training needs of your staff are identified and met.
(41) Review the implementation of food safety skills by your staff.
(42) Establish and maintain effective working relationships with your staff to ensure food safety.
(43) Engage with your staff on food safety related activities. Food safety trainings at Level 1, Level2 and Level 3 can be done online at
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