Food Safety HACCP Training at Level 2- Skills to be attained.

Food Safety HACCP Training at Level 2- Skills to be attained.

The following is a list of food safety skills that employees should be able to demonstrate at Level 2:

1. Demonstrate the food safety skills required at Induction Level Stage I and II.

2. Outline the requirements necessary for bacterial growth.

3. Use time-temperature controls to prevent and control bacterial growth.

4. Describe foodborne illness and the factors which contribute to incidences of it.

5. Implement the HACCP based procedures.

6. Apply pest control in the workplace.

7. Outline their legal food safety responsibilities where applicable to the job.

8. Use hygienic procedures in receiving deliveries.

9. Ensure food safety during storage of food.

10. Ensure food safety during preparation of food.

11. Ensure food safety during cooking and cooling of food.

12. Ensure food safety during transportation.

13. Apply correct and appropriate cleaning procedures in maintaining a clean food operation.

14. Take reasonable care to prevent cross contamination of products by food allergens.

15. Follow the procedure for dealing with recalled food products.

16. Deal with a food safety complaint effectively.

17. Co-operate with food safety auditors.

18. Use hygienic procedures when displaying/holding or serving food.

19. Deal with returns in a hygienic manner.

20. Use hygienic procedures in storing raw/in-process/processed food items.

21. Use hygienic procedures in storing ancillary items.

22. Apply the required heat treatment.

23. Label food correctly.

24. Take samples for laboratory analysis.

25. Test raw, in-process and/or processed food items to ensure food safety. offers Food Safety and HACCP training in line with FSAI( guide to training.


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